
Why use TrioX®?
Topical antimicrobial spray is for the treatment of various wounds that your pet or livestock may suffer from. Many different sprays are available, and it can be troublesome to know which one is ri...

Firework Safety for Dogs
Independence Day is near, and many dogs have a fear of loud noises and find fireworks scary. June is firework safety month, and 4th of July is right around the corner. There are a lot of simple thi...

Tired of Smelling Pet Pee?
We LOVE our pets, but we don't always love their SMELL. Pet urine and feces leave stains as well as lingering odors that can be extremely difficult to remove. We’re sharing tips to prevent pet smel...

What to Do When Your Pet Gets a Wound
There is nothing worse than seeing your pet hurt. Seeing your furry friend with an injury like a cut, rash, and wound is hard to see and can be hard to treat.
We’ve rounded up all you need to kno...

Shampoo for Pet Allergies and Itchiness
We all want the best for our pets, including the grooming products we use on them. When you’re applying a product to your pet, you’re going to want to be sure that it’s safe, effective, and good f...

Why Using Oxidation Is Better than Enzymes for Pet Stains and Odor
There are so many great things about owning a pet - the laughs, the friendship, the love, and the cuddles. But sometimes, it’s not all roses owning a pet, and it certainly doesn’t smell like them ...

How to Disinfect Areas Your Pet Touches
Having a pet can be rewarding, fun, and like having a best friend. But specific responsibilities come with pet ownership that needs to be taken seriously.
If you have a pet (especially an indoor ...

3 Common Reasons Your Dog Is Itchy
It’s normal for your dog to scratch now and then, but if your dog is excessively itching, it could be a sign of fleas or allergies.
By knowing what to look for and having a few simple remedies, yo...

7 Ways to Get Rid of Dog Smell
You love your dogs, but you may not always love their smell. While a dog can turn a house into a home, it can also leave that home stinking.
But don’t worry. Having a dog doesn’t mean your house ...