Meet the Team

Christopher Stidd

Floyd Davidson
Senior Vice President

Diana Paglione
Director of Operations

Jason Rossi
Director of Marketing

Brian Tackman

Michael Teeters
Accounting Clerk

Allen Lord
Commercial Sales Manager

Brian Cox
Account Executive

KB Belton
Account Executive

Risa Ahsan
Graphic Designer

Claire De Lorie
Web Developer

Marquis Perez
Data Governance

Janessa VanBlarcom
Customer Service

Aleah Chambers
Marketing Specialist

Our Mission
At PetFX®, we are committed to helping pets live longer, happier and healthier lives while delivering the highest quality products and building the most respected brands in the pet care industry.
We will strive to research and develop cutting edge solutions for safe and efficacious products made to the highest standards of quality and safety to help your pets feel at their very best.
Because we love your pet as much as you do!®